Riso printing is ideal for posters, flyers, zines, and other graphic art prints. Find inks, papers, tutorials, and more on the [RISO LibGuide](https://libguides.reed.edu/RISO?useTarget=_blank). ***Demo appointments are required before printing. You can book a printing appointment if you've attended a demo or workshop.***


This appointment includes a brief overview of how to use the Risograph, a scanning printing demo, and time for your questions. You can also use this time to ask questions about file setup or Photoshop, but we won't have time for a printing demo for digital files. **Book a separate appointment for printing your artwork.**


This appointment time is for you to print on the Risograph. Bring your files, laptop, or physical artwork to the appointment. **Are you printing more than 3 colors? Please contact me in advance to ensure you have enough time to print.**